IT and management consultancy company Logica has partnered with SAP, Software and DigitalRoute to launch a Mass Data Billing (MDB) system that deploys a usage-based billing approach to enable organisations to increase revenue while reducing their total cost of ownership.

The MDB system is designed to solve billing and compensation challenges faced by clients in the industries including telecommunications, utilities, transportation and logistics.

It is also said to remove the need for multiple billing systems and enables organisations to develop new revenue streams.

The new system is available via a multi-tenant, software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, enabling users to access the system remotely over the internet.

Logica has created packages that are optimised for different industry sectors by integrating applications from SAP, Software and DigitalRoute with its MDB system.

DigitalRoute’s MediationZone will enable users to visually change business processes by reducing the integration points required to manage usage data on networks with a configurable workflow.

The SAP Convergent Charging application, the SAP Convergent Invoicing package and the SAP Customer Financial Management package will help users streamline complex rating and billing processes, manage accounting, payments and collections and optimise financial customer care.

Software’s webMethods suite will enable clients to tie the new system closely to their processes and monitor high-volume activities.