Security company Lockheed Martin UK has officially opened its Security Intelligence Centre (SIC) at Farnborough, extending its global reach and augmenting facilities in the United States.

The launch of SIC will strengthen Lockheed Martin’s intelligence driven computer network defence and ability to stay ahead of the rapidly evolving and persistent threats in cyber space and role of the SIC will be detection, identification and response to information security incidents.

The new centre will be manned by a team of skilled and trained cyber intelligence analysts who hold UK passports and they will integrate into Lockheed Martin’s global computer network defence, while developing their own intrinsic strengths, and contribute to an active global exchange in cyber capability and tradecraft.

To identify patterns of persistent campaigns spanning multiple attacks, and implementing new mitigations to keep ahead of the threats, Lockheed Martin cyber intelligence analysts examine attacks at a macro level – breaking attacks into phases called the Cyber Kill Chain.

Lockheed Martin UK Cyber head Giri Sivanesan said cyber attacks are coming from a wide range of sources.

"There’s a growing realisation at the Government level of the impact this growing threat could have on individuals, business and the national infrastructure. In the future we will be looking to support more customers in the public and private sector through advanced cyber defence solutions and training customer staff in the latest cyber tradecraft. Customers who have already reached a certain level of maturity in cyber defence will benefit the most from our advanced services," said Sivanesan.