LexisNexis has debuted a new electronic discovery software version, Early Data Analyzer, that enables litigation professionals to efficiently conduct early data assessment and streamline processing of electronic documents.

The company said its new offering has been specifically developed for the beginning of the collection phase in the e-discovery process and filters content to help litigation professionals select only the most relevant documents for their data sets.

LexisNexis Early Data Analyzer works where the original data resides, either on a network or external drive and filters, indexes, searches, and pre-processes data in its source location.

It enables litigation teams to capture an entire document set, assess the contents and eliminate irrelevant, duplicate and non-responsive documents prior to the time-consuming review and processing phases of e-discovery.

LexisNexis notes the latest release will keep clients e-discovery costs in proportion to the size of the case and eliminates manual wading through thousands of irrelevant or redundant files.

LexisNexis Early Data Analyzer is available both as a standalone product and as a fully integrated module within LexisNexis LAW PreDiscovery.

LAW PreDiscovery is a software application from LexisNexis that gives litigation teams greater control over the massive amounts of discovery related to a case by integrating paper imaging and electronic discovery into one unified process.

The company cliams that this will also enable litigation teams to reduce the volume of data by up to 80%, speeding up e-discovery processing and load the smaller data set into LAW PreDiscovery for native and full-text extraction.