YouTube’s Geek Week is now in full swing! Have you seen any of it yet?

I’ve only managed to catch wee snippets since it kicked off on Sunday but one of the videos I’ve seen was the special one-off recreation of Knightmare – a show from my childhood in which contestants complete quests in blue-screen fantasy world.

Unlike the late 80s/early 90s episodes, this one was in HD and, unless I’m mistaken, even included an F bomb from one of the actresses – there was never any blue language on the show back in my day! But it was amazing to see a snippet of my childhood brought back to life.

In other Geek Week news, a lot of people seem to be complaining that there’s too much Anime in the listings. Some people really seem to love Anime these days but it’s not my cup of tea, to be honest.

There’s plenty more to enjoy in Geek Week, though, and I’ll be catching up on everything I’ve missed and later in the week I’ll highlight some of the best content the first ever Geek Week had to offer.