InfoWatch, a data leakage protection offshoot of anti-virus software supplier Kaspersky Labs is to open for business in the UK by the end of the month.

It will sell its InfoWatch Traffic Monitor product, which is designed to provide enterprises with protection from accidental and intentional leakage of confidential data through e-mail or web-mail, web-forums and chatrooms.

All protected data transmitted across a network are monitored by Traffic Monito, and activity logs are stored in an archive.

The system stops the copying of sensitive data to removable CD/DVD media or removeable USB sticks, and will also prevent people from printing-out sensitive corporate information.

The company has also developed a system that applies cryptographic methods to the process of data storage and processing.

Crypto Storage prevents unauthorised access to data stored and processed inside the corporate intranet including system and boot volumes, in addition to protecting information on laptops and mass storage devices such as memory cards for mobile devices.

Protected data can only be accessed using one of three methods: by a password, a private key or a public key, the company said.

Headed since 2007 by CEO Natalya Kasperskaya, the company claims to have 70% penetration of its domestic market in Russia.