KANA Software has released KANA 10, service experience management (SEM) platform, for managing customer service experience. The company claims that the new product gives corporations and institutions the control needed to help ensure their customers receive enhanced service. The platform has been selected by online travel service provider priceline.com.

According to the company, developed in conjunction with IBM and KANA customers, the new offering is a web services-based product that fuses the IBM service-oriented architecture (SOA) portfolio with KANA’s knowledge management and messaging capabilities in a Web 2.0 platform.

The company said that with KANA 10’s web services architecture, customers’ existing technology and resources are linked into a single application that can be managed by executives and accessed by customer service agents (CSRs). Business leaders can also design, deploy and modify customer service processes, or ‘experience flows’, allowing for process optimisation.

KANA CEO Michael Fields elaborated, “Working closely with companies like priceline.com has shown us that companies today need dynamic new technology platforms that let service executives control business processes as needed and provide CSRs streamlined ways to more rapidly provide customers the information they want. That’s precisely what KANA 10 is designed to do.”

In addition, its Service Experience Modeler combines workflow creation, screen building, business logic construction and the ability to integrate information from enterprise and knowledge systems; its Service Experience Optimiser reportedly allows KPI optimisation by monitoring the objectives set for cost, customer satisfaction, compliance and revenue, so that business leaders can adjust policy, process and other resources to ensure balance among key metrics. Also, its Service Experience Orchestrator is expected to support each step of a customer interaction.