Using MotiveShop, Jessops now has a clearer understanding of product information, availability, price, product delivery and returns across all channels.

The new system also enables the photography specialist to feature additional promotional opportunities such as up-selling and cross-selling products to customers. Up-selling is where a better and usually more expensive alternative is offered to a customer considering a purchase. Cross-selling is when additional related items, such as camera accessories, may be offered to a prospective customer.

Brian Linnington, marketing and eCommerce director at Jessops, said: “In a move to meet the requirements and demands of our customers Jessops has developed a powerful online retail presence. With the help of Motive as our technology partner Jessops is able to fully utilise dynamic sales integration in order to increase web sales.”

Linnington indicated that one of the reason Jessops chose Motive was the previous relationship the two companies have had. He said: “The enhanced eCommerce platform is our latest development with Motive, whom we have been working with for some time. This relationship is invaluable as the Motive staff understand and respond to our needs with a level of urgency that would otherwise be difficult to request. Motive also provides an invaluable out-of-hours support service for our website and supporting applications.”

Jessops was founded in 1935 and has over 230 stores around the UK. They sell a range of equipment aimed at photography enthusiasts, such as cameras, camcorders and accessories as well as offering photo printing services.