Mobile users in Japan were the most connected of the three markets – the US, Europe and Japan – with more than 75% using connected media in June, compared to 43.7% in the US and 38.5% in Europe, according to cross-market analysis of mobile activities in these markets by comScore.

The analysis said that mobile users in Japan also displayed the strongest usage of both applications and browsers with 59.3% of the entire mobile population accessing their browsers in June and 42.3% accessing applications.

34% of mobile users in the US and 25.8% in Europe used their mobile browsers, with 31.1% in the US and 24.9% in Europe accessing applications.

Messaging methods also varied with Europeans displaying the use of text messaging with 81.7% sending a text message in June, compared to 66.8% in the US and just 40.1% in Japan.

Japanese users exhibited the highest reach in the email category at 54%, while consumers in the US were most likely to use instant messaging services on their mobile (17.2%).

Social networking/blogs reached the greatest percentage of mobile users in the US at 21.3%, followed by Japan at 17.0% and Europe at 14.7%.

Japanese users were most likely to capture photos (63%) and watch TV/video (22%) on their mobiles, while Europeans were most likely to listen to music (24.2%) and play games (24.1%).

A demographic analysis of mobile media users across markets showed that mobile media consumption was more balanced across age segments in Japan when compared to the US and Europe.

In the US, 25-34 year olds were 44% more likely to access mobile media than an average mobile user, with 18-24 year olds% more likely.

In Europe, 18-24 year olds represented the most-connected segment, 54% more likely to be mobile media users, while persons age 25-34 were 35% more likely.