Jack Henry & Associates, a provider of data processing services for financial institutions, has launched its enterprise security monitoring system that is automated, integrated with the core systems, and supported by a 24x7x365 monitoring service.

Jack Henry & Associates said that this enterprise security monitoring (ESM) system is provided by Gladiator Technology, the ProfitStars system that operates as a managed security services provider (MSSP) for financial institutions nationwide, and supports Jack Henry Banking’s IBM power system-based SilverLake System and CIF 20/20 core processing platforms.

Jack Henry & Associates also said that Gladiator ESM assists institutions in protecting information assets and core systems from costly security threats caused by outside hacker attempts and unauthorized internal actions. This solution enforces pre-emptive measures to track security and performance events, captures audit events, and flags any items that require immediate attention.

According to Jack Henry & Associates, ESM, along with Gladiator’s other monitoring layers assist in the detection, prevention, and mitigation of the red flag indicators that are mandated by recent Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act modifications and intended to protect the confidentiality of non-public information.

Danny Johnston, group president of Gladiator Technology, said: Today, financial institutions are also challenged to keep up with regulators’ expectations, and our ESM solution has reporting capabilities that can assist our clients with their compliance challenges and help generate successful IT regulatory exam results.