Cost management and virtualisation topped the list of enterprise IT concerns, while virtualisation ranked as the second biggest concern, with server virtualisation the primary focus, followed by storage and network virtulisation, according to a survey conducted by SHARE.

According to SHARE, cloud computing stood at seventh in the list of enterprise IT concerns, with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) identified as the prominent focus in the cloud, followed by Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS).

The survey revealed that the top ten issues for the enterprise IT concerns are, IT cost management, virtualisation, improving IT’s value and deriving competitive advantage from IT, enterprise security, the aging and demographics of current IT staffs, business continuity planning, cloud computing, regulatory compliance, reinvigorating/repurposing the mainframe, and data centre energy management.

Al Williams, president of SHARE, said: "Companies were asked to rank their top 5 concerns, and cost management, especially when it comes to cost reduction and avoidance, continues to be top of mind for these companies.

"It’s not enough to just cut costs, the successful enterprise IT professional knows there is a need to demonstrate IT’s value and how it can provide a competitive advantage every day."