Wireless technology developer InterDigital has asked the US International Trade Commission (USITC) to ban the US imports of products manufactured by Huawei, Nokia, Samsung and ZTE, alleging that the devices infringe seven of its patents.

InterDigital complained that Samsung, Nokia, ZTE and Huawei ‘have engaged in unfair trade practices’ by selling certain 3G and 4G wireless devices that include mobile phones, USB sticks, mobile hotspots, laptops and tablets that allegedly infringe its patents.

InterDigital patent holding subsidiaries president Lawrence Shay said, "For InterDigital, [our] effort represents roughly one billion dollars of research and development involving hundreds of wireless engineers over decades."

"While the vast majority of our dozens of licensees recognise our contributions and choose to license our portfolio based on discussions alone, in some cases we’re forced to resort to legal action."

The firm is also seeking a sales ban of any of the devices manufactured by the listed firms already in the country.

Meanwhile, the wireless technology developer has signed separate licensing agreements covering mobile technology with Research In Motion (RIM) and Sony, and has also established a joint venture firm with Sony which will develop machine-to-machine (M2M) technologies.

Some of the Asserted Patents have been declared against Nokia, Huawei and ZTE in earlier USITC proceedings, including the awaiting USITC probe initiated by InterDigital in July 2011.