Intel has developed a new prototype technology which claimed to do away with password for online banking, social networks and email, and instead provide access to them by just waving of hands.

The prototype technology, known as Client Based Authentication Technology, will replace passwords as well as enhance the process for accessing bank accounts, stock portfolios and other cloud-based personal data, Intel said.

Intel researchers have employed the technology in a tablet with new software and a biometric sensor that can recognise the patterns of veins on a person’s palm to access these services.

Claimed to enhance security, the new technology will enable the users to validate once to the physical devices including Ultrabook or smartphone through a biometric sensor and then allows automatic authentication of the device with one or more cloud-based services.

Passwords remain the common, yet inconvenient way of protecting access to valuable or sensitive information. In an effort to eliminate the need for passwords, Intel Labs has developed a replacement scheme called Client Based Authentication Technology.

The scanner will initially read the user’s unique vein patterns in the palm of the hand, followed by directing user to his or her bank account, social network page or any secure service, Intel said.

Intel revealed that the new technology will lock the device and offers secured connection when the user rests the device, tending to offer presence monitoring capability.

The technology will also unlock the platform and instantly restore the earlier secure service connections, the company claims.