Innovative Routines International (IRI), a developer of data manipulation software, has released a new version of data migration tool NextForm for large file and data type conversions.

According to IRI, the release 2 converts multi-gigabyte files with flexibility and also allows users to reformat files by changing field layouts from fixed to variable (or vice versa), move fields around, limit fields on output or create multiple output files (and formats) from a single input format.

The company said that the NextForm Builder GUI features a preview option to validate conversions and supports both immediate execution and job exportation for command line or batch operations.

The company said that the upcoming NextForm version will reformat variable blocked (VB) and spanned (VBS) files and change between big and little endian data, both at the file and field level, allowing users to track, convert and process their data across platforms, regardless of its source.

David Friedland, vice president of business development at IRI, said: “NextForm Builder represents a substantial ergonomic improvement in sequential file and field remapping. The wizard allows you to point and click between XML, COBOL and text, LDIF and CSV files, and between EBCDIC and ASCII fields, packed decimal and numeric, etc.”