Firms will be able to utilize iConectnXT as a secure web-based interface for document data hosted in SQL Server, and leverage their existing SQL Server staffing and technology to optimize data workflow to reduce costs, said iConect Development.

For example, firms will be able to manipulate, import or export, and edit document data in SQL Server, as well as use in-house custom SQL programming to transfer data to and from their existing production and capture tools. Firms will also be able to use third-party applications such as Crystal Reports to run customized reports from stored data.

This latest iConect development adds to the database options firms can choose from to best fit their infrastructure requirements: iConect’s hosted review and collaboration platform, nXT, as a self-contained product with embedded database technology; nXT connected to Microsoft SQL Server; or nXT connected to Oracle.

iConect has said that firms can purchase nXT as an in-house solution or use one of iConect’s worldwide network of over 50 application service providers (ASPs) to host their legal projects. ASPs offer hosting with nXT as a key component of their overall e-discovery offering to law firms, government agencies and corporations.

iConect has also said that nXT’s review and collaboration features include secure web-based access, advanced search options, user metrics reports, and native file and e-mail review tools.


Cynthia Williams, CEO of iConect Development, said: With the addition of the SQL Server connector, iConect will be able to expand its presence in the top 1,000 law firm market.