ICEsoft Technologies, a provider of open source enterprise Java technologies, has rolled out ICEpdf 4.0, an open source PDF rendering technology for Java.

The company said that the new ICEpdf is a Java PDF rendering library that can be integrated within any Java-based client application or deployed on a server in headless mode as a PDF Servlet (JSP or JSF).

The ICEpdf provides PDF viewing, navigation and PDF content conversion and extraction without the hassles of Java-to-native integration issues, the company claims.

According to ICEsoft, the new verison of ICEpdf features allow for PDF document editing and saving for link annotation edits; text selection and clipboard actions; and the search API has been revamped allowing for search result highlighting. It also includes product improvements and bug fixes.

Robert Lepack, VP of marketing and business development at ICEsoft, said: “Since ICEpdf was open sourced eight months ago, the product has experienced unprecedented adoption. This latest release of ICEpdf adds important new features and capabilities that our customers, as well as community members, have been asking for.”