IBM and Aberdeen Group, a provider of fact-based research and market intelligence services, has released a new online assessment tool designed for organisations seeking to improve their Green IT capabilities and ROI.

The companies claims that the new tool, which utilises Aberdeen’s primary research in Green IT and Sustainability, helps companies of all sizes to identify areas for improvement, including server and data centre virtualisation, end-user collaboration, and recommends steps that companies should take to address these capabilities and achieve ROI from their Green IT investments.

In addition, the tool compares companies of a similar size, large companies are compared with other large companies while midsize firms are compared with companies that have about the same number of employees.

According to the companies, the assessment is identified through Aberdeen’s PACE (Pressures, Actions, Capabilities and Enablers) research model. By completing an online survey, participants receive a personalised summary of how they compare and can identify the Green IT strategies, capabilities, and technologies used by companies.

Participants can also receive an assessment of over a dozen KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) associated with determining the potential ROI that can be achieved from Green IT initiatives, the company added.

Rich Lechner, vice president of energy and environment at IBM, said: This assessment tool will help companies quickly identify opportunities to improve their operational efficiency and provide them with a competitive advantage. IBM and Aberdeen have developed a simple way to help companies get started saving money, attracting the best talent and gaining new customers by focusing on sustainability.”