Nearly 80% of shoppers have made their last purchase in a store and not online, according to a new IBM study.

The study, which revealed consumers are in a transitional state, said that only 50% of consumers planned to shop in a store for their next purchase.

35% of those surveyed were uncertain whether they would make their next purchase at a store or online, while 9% are committed to purchase online in future.

The survey, which tracked about eight product categories, revealed that consumer electronics and luxury items were among two popular categories that consumers preferred to purchase online.

IBM Global Business Services global retail leader Jill Puleri said that today’s consumer is sophisticated and opportunistic, navigating between store and online environments interchangeably to meet their shopping needs of the moment.

"To satisfy clients, retailers must deliver a consistent, convenient shopping experience across each consumer touch point, extending from the store to online and back again," Puleri said.

"The key is using data and analytics to better understand the behavior and preferences of shoppers to close the sale."

IBM suggests that retailers have to better connect their store and online presence in a bid to capture consumers who prefer to shop online as well as in-store.