IBM has released the Security Intelligence with Big Data which is claimed to offer security intelligence with big data analytics to detect external cyber security threats and internal risk as well prevent them.

The application combines real-time correlation, detection capabilities of the IBM QRadar Security Intelligence Platform with custom analytics across massive structured and unstructured data with IBM InfoSphere BigInsights to detect malicious cyber activity.

IBM Security Intelligence with Big Data offers real-time correlation for continuous insight, custom analytics across massive structured data (such as security device alerts, operating system logs, DNS transactions and network flows) and unstructured data (such as emails, social media content, full packet information and business transactions) as well as features forensic capabilities for evidence gathering, the company added.

IBM Security Intelligence with Big Data also claimed to help in intelligent monitoring and alerting to a workbench for analysis of security threats to enterprise data.

IBM Security Systems Division general manager Brendan Hannigan said: "Our goal is to provide actionable insight into every bit of data, no matter where it resides across the network, and help clients learn from past activity to better secure the future."

Security use cases including advanced persistent threat detection, fraud detection and insider threat analysis can be worked on with the application, the company claims.

According to the company, the application offers real-time correlation and anomaly detection of diverse security and network data, high-speed querying of security intelligence data, forensics for deep visibility into network activity.