IBM is working with the financial services industry to increase collaboration and worldwide sharing of cyber threat intelligence across industries and organisations.

Members of the non-profit Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC), will get access to advanced cyber threat research and analysis directly from IBM X-Force Exchange.

IBM X-Force Exchange is a threat intelligence sharing platform that can be used to research security threats, to aggregate intelligence, and to collaborate with peers.

IBM said that the FS-ISAC global membership has grown and the organisation is supporting other industry sharing organisations like Oil & Natural Gas sector (ONG-ISAC), Retail Sector (R-CISC), Legal Services sector (LS-ISAO) and others.

FS-ISAC global business services senior vice president Kris Herrin said: "FS-ISAC has experienced tremendous membership growth all over the world, and we are seeing cross-border and cross-sector sharing ramp up substantially.

"We are constantly looking for high value solutions and services to offer our members and our work with IBM Security will help us better utilise data and analytics to further automate information sharing with our global members."

IBM said that from now on IBM Security Services will support users of Soltra Edge within their own security operations environments.

Soltra Edge is a cyber threat intelligence sharing solution created by Soltra, which is a joint venture between The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) and FS-ISAC.