Hitachi and VMware have entered into a strategic partnership that will enable Hitachi to deliver new cloud services to financial institutions in Asia.

The new offering Private Cloud for Finance Institutes will be based on VMware vSphere and the VMware vFabric cloud application platform. It is expected to help Hitachi deliver IT-as-a-Service to customers.

The new Private Cloud for Finance Institutes combines VMware’s virtualisation and cloud infrastructure expertise with Hitachi’s experience in providing holistic, vertically integrated offerings to deliver cloud services for customers.

The offering includes the VMware vFabric platform, including vFabric GemFire, to enable application developers to create in-house applications with the simplicity offered by cloud computing.

The compnay said the new offering will enable customers to: reduce IT system lifecycle costs; realise a simple, expandable architecture; reconfigure the system such that the merits of future innovations are quickly and easily adaptable; and reduce business continuity and disaster recovery costs.

Hitachi information and telecommunication systems company chief operating officer Ryoichi Nakazato said that organisations across Asia are looking for ways to leverage modern IT infrastructures to achieve operational efficiency, increase scalability, and address critical business needs.

"Hitachi is now working with VMware to help financial institutions more easily realise the value of private cloud offerings and applications while providing the security and control they require," Ryoichi said.

As part of the new partnership, Hitachi and VMware will also work together on continued technology collaboration and joint marketing initiatives.