Harris Corp. has announced that the OS/COMET COTS product for satellite control now includes NEO, a network enabled operations capability for platform-independent remote access.

OS/COMET is a commercial, off-the-shelf tool that provides telemetry, tracking, and commanding capabilities. Harris said that NEO is a new service for OS/COMET developed primarily in answer to customer requests for web-based remote connection to OS/COMET operations.

According to the company, to enhance OS/COMET with NEO, the interface to the OS/COMET product was extended to allow web services access for near real-time telemetry, including tracking data and ground equipment. The NEO services include command transmission and request status, script execution and script status, access to archived telemetry data, command results, and script results, along with ground equipment control.

Wayne Lucernoni, vice president for Intel and civil programs at Harris IT Services, said: An OS/COMET-based command and control system with added NEO capability provides secure, configurable remote access to operations center status. By using best commercial practices and widely accepted internet technologies, NEO enables customers to realize time and cost savings while providing instantaneous support from any network access point.