The United Nations’ International Telecommunications Union (ITU) website has been hit by cyberattack with hackers blocking the site.

ITU, which is currently reviewing International Telecom Regulations (ITRs) in Dubai, UAE, said that communication with one of it websites was interrupted two days ago.

Government regulators from 193 countries are participating in the conference to revise a wide-ranging communications treaty for the first time since 1988 after last negotiations in Melbourne, Australia.

Delegates participating in the conference were unable to access the information relating to the meeting after the cyberattack.

ITU said some performance degradation was experienced for two hours before normal operation was restored.

ITU secretary-general Hamadoun Toure said that threats made against the conference by cyber criminal groups fly in the face of the principles of freedom of expression and unfettered access to information that the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT-12) conference has been at pains to defend.

"It is ironic that the very people who claim to be fighting for a free Internet are preventing those around the world trying to follow the event online from getting access. Do they believe in one rule for them, and one for everyone else?," Toure said.

Recently, a joint proposal from the US and Canada which intends to protect the Internet from new international regulation has failed secure backing from other countries at the World Conference on International Telecommunications.