Guidance Software has launched a new version  of EnCase eDiscovery, which it claims to provide legal and IT teams with one integrated software to deliver functionality that organisations require for in-house electronic discovery, including legal hold, pre-collection analytics identification, preservation, and collection processing, analysis, early case assessment and first-pass review.

The company claims that the Version 4 enables organisations to maintain and protect case and custodian data throughout the process, and the new analysis and first-pass review capabilities can be utilised at any stage of the electronic discovery process, such as during collection, post collection, or during and after processing.

According to Guidance Software, the new Version 4 features and benefits include legal hold that provides hold notification, including reminders and online custodian interviewing, with customisable questions and with legal hold data; pre-collection analytics, which enables data maps of potential custodians to be created prior to collection, processing, or analysis; and identification, preservation, and collection.

In addition, the new version also features processing, analysis and early case assessment, which enables filtering of data at any stage in the electronic discovery process; first-pass review that allows content viewing in a browser window, with customisable tagging and classification of data and an audit trail for defensibility.

Victor Limongelli, president and CEO of Guidance Software, said: “The integration provided by Version 4 of EnCase eDiscovery means that organisations performing electronic discovery no longer have to transfer data sets or custodian information from application to application. The result is increased speed, lower costs, and lower risk for our customers.”

Version 4 of EnCase eDiscovery is expected to be available in the second quarter of 2010.