GT Software has introduced Ivory BMS Studio, an integrated development environment (IDE) platform for CICS Basic Mapping Services (BMS) that provides a graphical interface for the design, creation and maintenance of artifacts located in the BMS/TS MAPSET repository.

GT Software claims that the new IDE platform enables customers to build and maintain CICS BMS Maps in Windows GUI environment. It also allows users to develop and maintain maps while disconnected from the mainframe.

The central MAPSET repository reportedly enables development through the use of Windows graphical tooling, while the ability to connect to multiple distributed MAPSETs allows the developer to move artifacts between systems.

The new IDE platform is integrated into Ivory Service Architect and shares Ivory’s user interface. Ivory Service Architect is GT Software’s integrated toolset that enables corporations to assemble Web services from mainframe assets.

Rob Morris, chief strategy officer of GT Software, said: “Developing and maintaining BMS maps in this environment requires less knowledge of mainframes, thereby allowing customers to leverage non-mainframe resources while achieving their modernisation objectives. Ivory BMS Studio is another example of GT Software’s unflagging commitment to increasing value for our customers.”