Google has named its new 4.4 version of Android operating system after NestlĂ©’s ‘KitKat’ chocolate bar.

The Android Kitkat, expected to be launched in October 2013 follows previous versions with a dessert name such as Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean.

Google had planned call it Key Lime Pie but opted for another name after realising only a small number of people would know the taste of it.

The search engine firm is also working together with Nestle and Hershey, the makers of the chocolate bar, while Nestle is to create several Android-themed KitKat bars to promote the new OS.

Google’s Android software currently powers over one billion smartphones or tablets globally, while the OS’s share of the smartphone market reached 79.3% during Q2.

In May 2013, Android activations reached 900 million smartphones and tablets, since its launch in 2010, doubling the revenue per user for Android applications developers.