Google has launched a new web tool dubbed ‘News Publisher Center’ which will allow news publishers to rapidly update information about a news source, further increasing publishers’ controls over indexing their sites.

The new tool is aimed at enabling publishers to modify their news site details, update section URLs and label sections.

Google software engineer Eric Weigle said: "If you’re a news publisher, your website has probably evolved and changed over time — just like your stories.

"But in the past, when you made changes to the structure of your site, we might not have discovered your new content."

"That meant a lost opportunity for your readers, and for you. Unless you regularly checked Webmaster Tools, you might not even have realized that your new content wasn’t showing up in Google News.

"To prevent this from happening, we are letting you make changes to our record of your news site using the just launched Google News Publisher Center."

The Publisher Center will also enable potential readers to be more informed about the articles they’re clicking on and allowing publishers to benefit from better discovery and classification of news content.