Google announced changes to its AdWords platform to attempt to customise it for the smartphone age.

The change will allow advertisers to buy sponsored search results across mobile devices including PCs, smartphones and tablets from a single dashboard.

The company said that a recent study of multi-device consumers found that 90% move sequentially between several screens to accomplish a task and there’s also a proliferation of new devices like PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, hybrid devices, mini-tablets, televisions, and more.

The changes unveiled by Google include powerful marketing tools for the multi-device world with smarter ads optimised for varying user contexts and advanced reports to measure new conversion types.

Google senior vice president of engineering, Sridhar Ramaswamy said: "This is a first step to help you more simply and smartly manage your ad campaigns in today’s multi-device world."

"Enhanced campaigns help the users reach people with the right ads, based on their context like location, time of day and device type, across all devices without having to set up and manage several separate campaigns," he added.

"Enhanced campaigns are designed to help you succeed in a multi-screen world, but we know that transitioning may involve some initial change."