Google’s Chrome with a 25.7% market share overtook Mozilla’s Firefox to become the world’s second most popular browser, according to StatCounter.

Firefox lagged behind Chrome by just fifty basis points with 25.2% market share.

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer retains its premier position with 40.6% share, but it is expected that Chrome will give it a tough fight in the near future.

Aodhan Cullen, CEO of Statcounter said that we could look forward to a fascinating battle between Microsoft and Google as the pace of growth of Chrome suggests that it will become a real rival to Internet Explorer globally. He added, "Our stats measure actual browser usage, not downloads, so while Chrome has been highly effective in ensuring downloads our stats show that people are actually using it to access the web also."

As far as the US is concerned Chrome, with 17.3% market share, is still trailing behind Firefox which has 20.1% share.