GlobalCollect, a payment service provider for local e-payments and Varien, the Magento company, have entered in to strategic partnership aimed at online retailers to meet their global sales objectives.

The Magento e-commerce platform, developed by Varien, is based on open source technology that provides merchants with control over the user experience, content, and functionality of their e-commerce channel. By joining forces with GlobalCollect, Magento’s clients gain access to a portfolio of local, alternative and international payment methods in over 200 countries and for 170 currencies.

The companies said that the correlation between the number of payment options and increased customer conversion rates is compelling retailers to find offerings for accepting multiple types of payment and international currencies.

Roy Rubin, CEO of Varien, said: “GlobalCollect’s flexibility to work with a wide range of currencies and payment methods makes it easy for retailers to focus on the day to day operations of their shop without needing to worry about how to collect and process payments. Any partnership which helps to increase retailers’ efficiency is a partnership worth making.”

Jan Manten, CEO of GlobalCollect, said: “Marrying the strength of Open Source Magento platform with our comprehensive offering as a global Payment Service Provider makes perfect sense as we compliment each others’ core competencies. It will help online merchants across the world realize their growth objectives and speed up their time to market. ”