The global cross-platform and mobile advertising market is expected to reach $76.57bn in the following five years, reporting a compound annual growth rate of 38.3% from 2013, a new MarketsandMarkets’ report reveals.

The report forecasts that the market would mainly be driven by the emergence of advanced internet devices, development of network technologies, multiple advertising platforms, and mounting trend of mobile applications.

During 2013, the cross-platform and mobile advertising market is anticipated to reach $15.13bn, the report adds.

The cross-platform and mobile advertising includes devices that are connected via Internet, while the progress in 2G, 3G, and 4G technologies has generated huge opportunities for multiscreen advertisement.

Regionally, Asia-Pacific tops the list of markets with highest revenue contribution, followed by emerging economies including Middle East and Africa and Latin America, which are expected to witness augmented market traction with soaring CAGRs, eventually.

The complexity in cross-platform advertising and location and privacy issues are the key problems in the cross-platform and mobile advertising market, which have been limiting the enterprises and customers to implement cross-platform and mobile advertising for their online transactions and marketing purposes.