GigaSpaces Technologies, a provider of virtualised application platforms, has launched eXtreme Application Platform (XAP) 8.0.

The company said the new platform features openness and continuous scaling, and offers a virtual application platform that enables end-to-end scalability with a single product.

GigaSpaces CTO Nati Shalom said enterprises today face the challenge of having to combine legacy systems with newer technologies to meet their ever-increasing user demands and growing data.

Shalom said, "8.0 enables organisations to easily transition their existing infrastructure into the more modern systems needed by today’s applications, such as distributed architectures, virtualised environments, and the cloud."

8.0 has capabilities that facilitate interoperability, supporting all common interfaces for accessing data.

The application platform is designed to provide enterprises the choice of the best Application Programming Interface (API) and operate on the same data regardless of the APIs, the company claims.

Operations and administration are also simplified with 8.0, said the company.