Germany based start up Tutao has launched an end-to-end encryption based email service called Tutanota for free, after beta testing the service in the country.

Using cryptography technology the service encrypts all emails between Tutanota-users automatically.

It can encrypt all data including subject, email content and all attachments automatically in the background without requiring any software installation for encryption.

Users can also register their phone numbers from any country, change their sender name for privacy while recipient address are can be saved automatically when users write an email.

The service also claimed to encrypt all user data on servers allowing users to send encrypted messages from any device.

Even those who are not using Tutanota mail can send an encrypted email using this service, and the receiver will be able to reply with an encrypted email as well.

Tutanota co-founder Arne Moehle said, "Data privacy with Tutanota is key."

"All user data is encrypted locally on the user’s device before being transmitted to our German-based servers. The data cannot be accessed by anybody."

"Not even we have access. This also means that we cannot reset user passwords."

"Common web applications have made it very convenient for users by having the reset-password option. With this they also have made it very convenient for themselves because they can access all user data and misuse it for commercial purposes or hand it over to anybody else."

"Since we cannot access user data, we cannot hand it over. Your emails with Tutanota are private and stay private."

Currently, the email service offers 1GB of free storage which it plans to increase with premier offers along with additional functionalities.

In future the company plans to develop a mobile app enhance the user experience, and add features for final deletion rights of emails.

The service has been developed by Tutao, a company founded by a team of three former informatics students from the L3S Research Center at Leibniz University Hanover in 2012.