Fuzzy Logix, a provider of advanced analytical solutions, has unveiled in-database analytics, DB Lytix, for SQL Server 2008. Fuzzy Logix ported the analytics to SQL server 2008 using the Common Language Runtime option.

According to Fuzzy Logix, the in-database analytics relies on moving analytics to the database wherein advanced quantitative functions are embedded inside the database as scalar functions or aggregates.

Fuzzy Logix claims that analysts can now write SQL queries to perform complex analysis of data and get the desired results with speed exploiting the inherent parallel processing capability of the SQL Server query processor.

Partha Sen, CEO of Fuzzy Logix, said: “We feel confident that the availability of in-database analytics in SQL Server will enable us to serve a large base of customers who are seeking to use easily accessible analytics to help them gain competitive advantage.

Steven Baldelli, CEO of Trident Marketing, said: Using in-database analytics in SQL Server allows us to quickly analyze critical patterns in web advertising and make adjustments on the fly. This technology has enabled us to instantaneously evaluate and cluster the performance of our diverse sales force.

Meanwhile, Fuzzy Logix has also entered into a partnership with Scalability Experts, an international data management consulting company, with ten years of experience in providing offerings that leverage Microsoft.

Mr Sen said: The combination of our analytic offerings with Scalability Experts’ data management, SQL Server and BI experience greatly enhances our ability to build and develop end-to-end analytic solutions for our customers.

Robert Beatty, co-founder and senior vice president of Scalability Experts, said: “Because Fuzzy Logix’s library is so easy to use, we can build solutions that range from embedding analytics into existing reports to delivering comprehensive analytics appliances using off the shelf hardware and SQL Server.