Fujitsu has launched an On-Demand Virtual System Services, an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) for business ICT environments offering server, storage and network capabilities on an as-needed, when-needed basis, to customers on a trial basis starting in May in Japan.

The company said that the new cloud service will deliver an ICT infrastructure encompassing data processing and storage for business customers through a network handling the virtualisation, standardisation and automation of server and storage capabilities retained in Fujitsu’s datacentres. The software offerings for network and security will also be made available, enabling customers to access a cloud environment.

Fujitsu said that the virtual servers, disks and networks are available on volume-based charges. The disk and network capacity will be charged based on the volume of capacity and data transmissions. Customers can set up servers through the internet, selecting the operating system, number of servers to use, and their specifications.

The new offering comes with a web interface that can be used to add or remove virtual servers and disks, to make backups or restore, or to configure firewall settings, Fujitsu said.

According to Fujitsu,  a tested server configuration template will be made available for server configuration and a dashboard view will enable constant monitoring of CPU load statistics, disk I/O volume, as well as volume transferred over the network.

In addition, customers can configure a system comprising of up to three layers, web server, application server and database server. Virtual servers can be connected over Fujitsu’s FENICS network or other virtual private networks (VPN), the company added.