Fujitsu has rolled out a service for streamlining customers’ existing business systems for APM Modernization Services for the Cloud, an array of services to help customers transition their business systems to the cloud.

The new offering will be delivered as a service for streamlining customers’ existing systems that leverages the know-how acquired by Fujitsu in the implementation of its own internal systems.

The service will consolidate databases through the integration/elimination of databases, unnecessary tables and overlapping data items.

By integrating databases, the number of licenses required for database management systems will be minimized.

After determining the usage status of interfaces linking different applications, systems, and other companies, interfaces will be consolidated through the integration/elimination of unused items and formats.

By adopting a standardized operations maintenance process, work processes will become standardized, reducing problems.

Maintenance plans will be evaluated in terms of a cost/benefit analysis, necessity and urgency, and the number of agreements will be reduced in accordance with the budget.

Customers can optimize their existing systems by reviewing their hardware and middleware, gradually employing the cloud, rebuilding their systems and employing software packages.