Fujitsu has launched Proactnes II SM V01 software package which monitors and analyses the communications response and data volumes of networks found inside large-scale datacentres that provide cloud services, and the Internet which connects users to cloud services.

The new offering detects early signs of failure by pinpointing areas in the cloud where these problems arise and prevents system problems from occurring in a customer’s private cloud, public clouds offered by cloud service providers, and existing ICT systems.

In addition, the Proactnes II SM V01 employs cloud computing system-failure detection technologies introduced by Fujitsu Laboratories in February 2010.

These technologies can detect system failures before they happen, with improved ability to analyse cloud system data and gather information, thus narrowing down the causes of failures and resolving them successively.

Fujitsu said that the new technology is being employed at its Tatebayashi System Center, which provides customers with cloud services, to help monitor the stable operations of its services, ensuring high service levels.