1. IoT is now a real ‘thing’

"IoT is a huge opportunity. I think companies need to think big. We are thinking big and we are taking a different approach. The biggest ecosystem will win, so let’s all create a big ecosystem and be inclusive rather than exclusive."

2. Software needs to change dramatically

"But these companies are too late to be a leader in IoT, and there are some big ones I would put on that list. [For example,] Oracle does not really have much of an IoT strategy, it is not a strong strategy.

"Their enterprise resource planning (ERP) system should change dramatically to take advantage of several things like new forms of logistics."

3. Building an ecosystem

"That allows us to have one approach to recruit in-customers, like Airbus, and to recruit partners like ServiceMax."

4. Rebuilding the Western manufacturing powerhouse

"The reason why much manufacturing moved to China is because it is labour based, but as things become automated and labour is less important, then you bring it back to oversee it better because it does not matter where it is.

"I think automation is the great equaliser for Western Companies."

The full article can be read here.