French anti-trust watchdog Autorite de la Concurrence is reported to have raided Apple’s offices in the country following allegations of unfair resale practices by the company.

The watchdog has also raided some of the company’s French retailers and distributors in various locations.

The investigation follows complaints from reseller Ebizcuss, which sued the iPhone maker in 2011 for the company’s unfair practices.

The raids from the French authorities are the latest in the series of investigations carried out against major US technology firms which include Google, Amazon.

Earlier this year, it was revealed that the French government is preparing to tax smartphones, tablets and all other internet-connected devices as well as broaden the current taxes for foreign video-streaming firms.

The French government is also planning to propose a new law by the end of 2013 aimed at changing tax procedures to make sure global Internet firms, like Google and Amazon, pay their taxes.

Apart from France, Apple is currently under the European Union (EU) investigation over its iPhone contracts with cellphone carriers.

The EU received informal complaints from various telecoms groups that the deals could violate competition rules.