The Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned the US retailers to be prepared to face more cyber-attacks following Target data breach.

The federal agency warned retailers against the risks caused by ‘memory-parsing’ malware, used against US retailer ‘Target’ attacks last year, which can exploit card swiping machines and other point of sales (POS) systems.

FBI’s ‘Recent Cyber Intrusion Events Directed Toward Retail Firms’ report was cited by Reuters as saying that the POS malware crime will continue to grow over the near term, despite law enforcement and security firms’ actions to mitigate it.

"The accessibility of the malware on underground forums, the affordability of the software and the huge potential profits to be made from retail POS systems in the US make this type of financially motivated cyber crime attractive to a wide range of actors," the agency added.

In addition to Target, US retailer Neiman Marcus also reported of being victim of data breach after hackers pinched details of about 1.1 million customer cards.

However, security researchers at US-based cyber intelligence firm, IntelCrawler, revealed that Russian-developed code was behind Target data breach.