FatWire Software has unveiled web experience management (WEM) framework, which delivers a set of components for integration of third-party and custom-built applications into its WEM product suite.

FatWire said WEM product suite enables organisations to automate management of their web presence, including content authoring, site design, content publishing, dynamic deployment, multi-lingual content management, content targeting, content integration, web content analytics and user participation.

In addition, the WEM framework enables easy integration of custom applications into the WEM suite and also enables easy extension of the WEM suite across FatWire and integrated third-party applications.

According to FatWire, the WEM framework provides, common user interface framework that provides unified management across FatWire applications and integrated third-party applications; centralised user and role management with single sign-on that enables users to login in once and navigate among WEM and partner applications; centralised administration functionality, which enables centralised management of users, roles, site and applications; and Rest API to enable turnkey repository connectivity for third-party applications, providing access to FatWire-managed content.

Yogesh Gupta, president and CEO of FatWire Software, said: “The WEM Framework enables our partners to easily extend FatWire’s best-in-class WEM platform for customers, delivering seamless management of an organisation’s web presence that is easily specialised and extended to deliver on the specific vertical or business needs of their organisations.”