Hactivist group "Anonymous" has threatened Sony of dire consequences saying that it will not forgive the electronics company for taking legal action against fellow hackers Geohot and Graf_Chokolo.

According to an open letter allegedly from the hacking group, it will channel all its efforts against Sony.

The threat read, "You have now received the undivided attention of Anonymous."

"Your recent legal action against our fellow hackers, Geohot and Graf_Chokolo has not only alarmed us, it has been deemed wholly unforgivable."

Anonymous is best known for the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on Visa, PayPal and others in support of whistle-blowing site WikiLeaks. It had also brought down the website of HBGary Federal, a security services firm helping the FBI to unmask its members.

Earlier this year, Sony had filed a case against a group of PlayStation 3 hackers, which included George Hotz (Geohot), for breaching the console and allowing people to run custom packages on the device. Sony has also charged Graf_Chokolo.

Anonymous, which claims that its members are average Internet citizens spread across the world, has termed Sony’s request for access of bank details and other information regarding the case as unethical.

Calling the attack #OpSony, Anonymous said, "You have abused the judicial system in an attempt to censor information on how your products work. You have victimised your own customers merely for possessing and sharing information, and continue to target every person who seeks this information. In doing so you have violated the privacy of thousands."

"Now you will experience the wrath of Anonymous."

"You must face the consequences of your actions–Anonymous style."

According to the letter, Anonymous plans to attack Sony’s domains.

It reads, "You own your domains. You paid for them with your own money. Now Anonymous is attacking your private property because we disagree with your actions. And that seems, dare we say it, ‘wrong.’ Sound familiar?"

Anonymous also said that the judges are "no better than Sony itself."

Sony has not commented on the mater so far.