eXo, a provider of Java portal technologies, has unveiled Platform 3.5 and Cloud IDS that enables enterprise companies to simplify administration and shorten time-to-deploy new applications.

The Platform 3.5 is a multi-tenant user experience platform (UXP) for Java systems, which support a variety of consumer web technologies.

The Platform 3.5 with cloud management capabilities feature improvements to its web-based IDE, making it easier to write, test and deploy gadgets, mashups, HTML5 and content applications, the company claimed.

The Platform is an integrated UXP based on the open source GateIn portal for building and deploying transactional websites, managing web and social content and creating gadgets and dashboards.

In addition, Platform 3.5 makes it easier to develop, extend and deploy modern enterprise portals, gadgets and mashups in cloud computing environments and opens up cloud deployment options for multiple users including: service providers; IT operations; and users.

The company has also launched a private beta of Cloud IDE, a hosted development environment that facilitates social coding, collaborative development of gadgets and mashups that can be deployed directly to a PaaS.

The Cloud Services enhance PaaS development and will leverage core technologies in Platform 3.5, including multi-tenancy, social and collaboration features, the company said.

eXo said that the Cloud Services features include: web development; quick setup of new domains; source control integration; collaborative development; deployment flexibility; and PaaS-agnostic.