eReader shipments will touch 67 million by 2016, almost thrice from expected 25 million to get to the market in 2011, according to Juniper Research.

Though this is less than half the 55.2 million tablets that will be shipped this year, the price of the market-leading Kindle has fallen significantly (from $349 to $79) since it was launched. The electronic ink technology will ensure that the device will continue to make a mark for itself in the wireless device ecosystem.

When Amazon recently announced its first tablet device, many thought the company was shifting away from dedicated eReaders in its device strategy. But, it announced at the same time three new Kindle models, two of them with touchscreen technology.

Report author Daniel Ashdown said that Amazon had done its homework by understanding that "there is not a one-size-fits-all device that makes everyone happy."

According to Juniper’s report, in the near future vendors are exploring hybrid displays which integrate both LCD and electronic ink technology.