Electric Cloud, a provider of software production management (SPM), has extended its offerings to the public cloud, which reportedly allows software developers to automate and enhance the software production process on physical, virtual or public cloud computing resources.

According to Electric Cloud, the company’s ElectricCommander software production automation system is integrated with the Amazon web services platform. This allows ElectricCommander to manage computing resources running in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), instead of running on in-house resources.

Electric Cloud’s software production management systems were built to support the build-test-deploy environments. It offers step-level parallel processing that reportedly allows customers to break down a large process, such as a build or a suite of tests, into individual steps, so each can run in parallel on separate resources for faster throughput.

The company stated that it provides access controls, encryption and other security measures to ensure that procedures are safe when run outside the corporate firewall. It supports heterogeneous builds and tests with a single system and virtual machines from vendors including VM Ware and Microsoft.

Mike Maciag, CEO of Electric Cloud, said: Electric Cloud is making the public cloud a viable option for companies to provision a complex build-test-deploy environment outside of their own firewalls. With our Software Production Management solutions, customers can tap internal and external cloud environments on demand to eliminate overhead and reduce IT costs.