Jason Stamper CBR

There’s a truism in journalism that the most fascinating thing to be announced by a company will always be announced the day after you interview someone at the firm. And so it came to pass that I spent a morning in a Savvis secure data centre interviewing their head of EMEA Neil Cresswell, only to wake up the next morning to the news that Savvis had been bought by a US telco for a whopping $2.5bn.

Given that security at this particular data centre requires photo ID, and staff having to use smart cards, PINs and fingerprint recognition to go from room to room, I could only imagine that if Cresswell had told me the news in advance of its official announcement the next day he really would have had to shoot me.

You can listen to that podcast – covering everything about this leading collocation and cloud hosting firm apart from its acquisition – at www.cbronline.tv.

As if that wasn’t freaky enough, I then experienced déjà vu when I had the opportunity to interview IBM’s CEO for the UK and Ireland at IBM’s South Bank offices for a podcast (coming soon to, you guessed it, www.cbronline.tv). I interviewed IBM’s previous CEO for the UK and Ireland, at IBM’s South Bank offices, for a podcast, almost exactly two years ago. But with IBM to celebrate its Centenary on the 16th of June, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Keep an eye on the next issue of CBR for more on that Centenary, by the way.

But the most fun this month has been the opportunity to kick the hornet’s nest of business process management (BPM) standards. In one corner was the chair of the Workflow Management Coalition telling me that BPMN 2.0 adoption has been "disappointing", and in the other corner the Object Management Group defending their new standard. In the middle are vendors saying they already support it, plan to support it, or will only partially support it because it’s "too hard for business" anyway. If BPM is on your radar, decide on the winners and losers of that battle at www.cbronline.com.

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