E-Commerce company eBay has partnered with Chinese online fashion retailer Xiu.com and launched an online shopping store known as ‘eBay Style’ (ebay.xiu.com) in the country, to increase its sales in the country.

THe collaboration will allow xiu.com to offer an online platform for eBay, while assisting eBay to select products sought by Chinese consumers as well as manage all sales, logistics, customer service, local return and Chinese language services.

eBay vice president Melanie Tan said the firm has reported a 40% year on year increase of goods bought by Chinese consumers navigating eBay.com in English.

"We believe that in the future Chinese consumers will use eBay as a passport to global Fashion styles, especially for leading women’s brands and accessories, and menswear, because our broad selection of new, branded, and designer merchandise will beunmatched in China," Tan said.

In addition, eBay will be responsible for the launch of eBay Style in China along with its brand marketing, public relations and social media campaign in addition to new smartphone and tablet apps.

Xiu.com CEO George Ji said the firm’s is aimed at bringing the best of the World to China, so eBay, with its global access, is an ideal partner.

"Through our curation efforts, we also hope to introduce a new, more inspiring buying experience to Chinese consumers," Ji said.