DocuLex said that it is offering Archive Studio document and content management software as cloud/software as a service (SaaS) option for disaster recovery and business continuity preparedness.

The company claims that the browser-based content management provides remote document access, permissions, printing and distribution, enabling secure document warehousing and sharing for practical knowledge management and colleague collaboration.

DocuLex said that the program allows organisations to access and utilise their documents during operational interruptions through a customised user portal.

According to DocuLex, the Archive Studio SaaS is facilitated by WebSearch, a component of the Archive Studio designed to allow sharing of document collections over the internet. Users are presented with a custom portal design specifically to their content management needs, including scanned paper converted to PDF and electronically created files in their native formats.

In addition, internet access to documents is available, anytime and anywhere, without the costs and responsibility associates with owning and supporting a document management system, the company said.