Digital signatures are the latest application to be delivered as an on-demand software service.

It comes with the launch by E-Lock of instaSign 2.0 an online digital signing service for PDF files, that works through a browser to apply a strong, standard, PKI-based digital signature to electronic documents.

The company claims the service is the first of its kind, and one that requires no investment in software or hardware. It is also said to be completely secure because there is no uploading or downloading of files to and from remote servers. 

With the service a person can sign or get signed a PDF file from any place which can then be stored on their PC. Signers can put their signature to PDF files in bulk without downloading them, the vendor said.

E-Lock said the system is deemed to be legally compliant with the US e-Sign Act, HIPA, the EU Digital Signature Law, Government Paper Elimination Act (GPEA), Sarbanes-Oxley and other laws that affect the management of electronic information.