Large mid-market enterprises are rapidly taking advantage of DevOps.

Organisations are adopting the approach as they look to increase the speed at which they release products to the market.

Typically, larger enterprises are viewed as having a lack of agility to adopt the DevOps approach, but research from Claranet suggests this approach is growing, with a large uptake expected in the next two years.

Currently, around 26% of European mid-market businesses have taken a DevOps approach and 42% have plans to implement one in the next two years.

Most (64%) of this growth is coming from the larger mid-market organisations, businesses with more than 500 employees, compared to 45% with fewer than 500.

The result of this could be that the differentiation it brought to smaller organisations may be significantly reduced.

According to the research, sizeable companies are displaying all the collaboration skills required for the DevOps approach.

This approach requires both a cultural shift and the introduction of new IT tooling, with strong partnerships also being important. Learning from a partner that has experience in this way of working, will help organisations to deliver.