Dell SecureWorks has added the new Advanced Endpoint Threat Detection (AETD) managed service to its cyber threat services portfolio for organisations.

The AETD service is part of the Dell SecureWorks’ suite of Internet security services, the Advanced Threat Services portfolio, which includes the Managed Advanced Malware Protection (MAMP) service, and the Targeted Threat Hunting service.

Managed AETD service features Dell SecureWorks’ combination of Endpoint Threat Intelligence technology and specialised signatures with Carbon Black from the threat detection platform Bit9.

Dell SecureWorks executive director of sales and marketing Tyler Winkler said some of the most serious cyber breaches to date are a result of organisations having one or more of their endpoints compromised.

"Our AETD Service, combined with Dell SecureWorks unparalleled view into the attack landscape, gives organizations the earliest possible warning that their endpoints may be hosting an adversary and helps pinpoint exactly where they are hiding," Winkler added.

The service offers protection to users from malicious cyber activity using the cyber intelligence received from Targeted Threat Hunting engagements, which were conducted by Dell SecureWorks’ Counter Threat Unit (CTU) Special Operations experts.

Currently, the company has made the service available to customers across North America with plans to launch it across Europe, Middle East and Asia during the second quarter of 2014.